IHF is an OEM supplier for a wide range of industrial applications (e.g. wind turbines, gear components, construction machinery).
2007: IHF was founded as a joint venture.
2008: First OEM delivery to a manufacturer for wind turbines.
2009: IHF production, fasteners and the IHF Stretch System received European Technical Assessment (ETA) and General Building Approval (AbZ) by DIBt (Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik).
2012: Start of the "Maintenance-free"-project on onshore application.
2016: First large-scale project in the MP-TP area.
2017: Independent certification of direct replacement of standard HV fittings with IHF Fasteners by DNV GL.
2018: IHF company is fully integrated into the Hohmann Group.
2021: Scientific confirmation that IHF Fasteners have a significantly higher vibration resistance compared to standard HV fittings.
2023: Maintenance-free for 11 years.